I just finished reading
Give It Up! My Year of Learning to Live Better with Less by Mary Carlomagno. The book is about Mary’s journey to simplify her life and the benefits of doing so. She renounces one thing per month in order to make her life less complicated. She gives up shopping, elevators, newspapers, cell phones, dining out, television, coffee, multitasking etc… The book chronicles lessons learned as she gives up some of these life essentials. Carlomagno comes to realize what is most important to her life and the experience of giving up changes her forever.
I thought of my own life and my desire to simplify. What would I need to give up each month in order to achieve that balance? I began by brainstorming items and activities which seemed to zap my energy and time. The list included things like: internet, television, ipod and shopping. Then I made a list of things that cost money each month, but may not be all that good for me. This list included: Diet Mountain Dew, Sweets, and movies. Then I made a list of other things I might need to give up or curtail like complaining, gossiping and fiscal irresponsibility. I reviewed my list repeatedly and decided that I don’t believe I am strong enough to give up any of these things for an entire month. I am the poster child for the lack willpower
It is now July 31st and tomorrow begins a new month. What a great opportunity to begin my quest to simplify by following the example of Ms. Carlomagno. I am beginning to get a bit excited at the prospect (I am sure this is fleeting), but here is my blueprint for the next 12 months to take stock of my life and create a more simplified existence.
August – Sweets (candy, desserts etc..)
September – Diet Mountain Dew (this might not seem like much, but I have about a six-pack a day habit)
October – Dining Out – this one will be REALLY difficult
November - Complaining (every time I complain, $1.00 will go into a jar for compassionate ministries)
December – Taking the closest parking space (I will park after the last car in the lot)
January – Fiscal irresponsibility (taking control of my assets)
February – Internet (outside of ONCE a day checking and responding to email)
March - Shopping
April – Impulse buying (I will not purchase ANYTHING over $20.00 without waiting 24 hours)
May – Television/DVR
June – Movies (going, renting or buying)
July – Ipod (yikes)
How about you? Any readers out there care to join me? Make a blueprint of your own—share it, because it will make you more accountable and then let me know how your life is affected.
I do maintain the creative license to change the monthly assignments, but the tasks will remain the same. So, I am off to eat my last piece of birthday cake as well as the package of Twizzlers sitting on my cabinet----
This I know for sure…